Monday, July 27, 2009


This the nigga you look up to Micah?


I have YET to slide my penis in some coochie thats worth $55,000 a month. shit, Eddie Murphy aint even gotta pay that much and he got more dough than Nas. Fuck, Russell Simmons only has to pay $40,000 for TWO KIDS ALL TOGETHER!!! and this lackluster singin ass bitch wanna hit a nigga for $50 stacks. Niggette please! This bitch act like Nas was droppin multiplatinum albums twice a year or some shit. And its true about the court system. they say "Justice is Blind" but yet its still geared towards females. if a female says ANYTHING, she is automatically right in court even if the bitch is lyin through her dick suckers. Red and Meth need their own radio show. i would listen to that shit RELIGIOUSLY!!

Friday, July 24, 2009


and once again.....Jay gets "mooked" on his own track. shit wouldn't happen to Nas.....


Get mad, haters, crackers, dog lovers and all in between.......Vick is back in the league and about to pull a Kobe to silence all who forgot the skills.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


my stepfather sent me this about 4 minutes ago and i'm over here in tears. first off, i watch this show all the time and somehow missed this episode. i'm trippin that he has a Deloreon and THEN the fact that he is dressed like MJ in the "The Way You Make Me Feel" video, THEN he MJ kicks dude in the "gooch". niggaz...


People in my family ALWAYS joke around and laugh at people who "claim" certain ethnicities like "oh, my Great grandmother on my cousins side was Cherokee" knowing good and hell well that aint the case. My Great Great Grandmother was full blooded Sioux and she died about a year or 2 after i was born, so my shit is actually traceable yet we don't go around claiming to be "part native american", we are just black. Her husband was half black and half white making my Great Grand Father a "quarter" black, but if you asked him what race he was he would tell you without blinking "BLACK". and he reasoning was, even though he laughed when it was kinda sad was, "i was treated like a nigger so much growing up and was identified as one all the time, there was no question whose side i belonged to". this was a man whose entire side of his family looked white as hell, but they would be kinte clothed DOWN and borderline militant about their "blackness". now i DO feel that the whole "choose your race" shit on tests needs to stop because biracial kids already have an identity crisis without you trying to force them to choose who they belong to.

When i was in the military, i encountered 2 females that i knew: Tasha and Anaris. both had black fathers and white mothers. Tasha identified herself as being black. she didn't discard her white side or shame it, she just said "i'm black". But Anaris on the other hand hated ALL things that were black. I had a white friend tell her "my boy Cater(we go by last names in the military) thinks you're hot and wants to talk to you". but when she saw i was black, she dissed the hell out of me. my boy Cleary was like "damn, my bad. when she heard me say my FRIEND, she must've thought i meant a white friend" and that was the actual problem. she hated her black side so much that when i looked her up on myspace, she married a white guy and her race was listed as "white" even though you KNEW and could SEE there was a little "dirt" in her. and i was like "damn, do you have THAT much self hatred that you are willing to eradicate an entire bloodline just because of your features?"

Eric and Justin, what are yall thoughts on being "double agents"? lol.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


As a black male in America, i've encountered alot of shit in 26 years of life. But if its one thing that i seem to encounter more than anything is "Bitch Ass Niggaz". I be like "why is there so much bitchassness in the world?"....then it hit's hereditary.

Alot of people look at Kanye West and say "man, that nigga is always cryin like a BITCH" or "man he is always actin like a BITCH" and the same goes for alot of niggaz in rap and in regular life. But further analysis shows one common factor....9 out of 10 niggaz who act like "Bitches" are raised by their mothers only. alot of females might get mad and say "nigga, i have raised my son to be a responsible person because that is what a man is" which is true BUT you can't teach a boy how to ACT like a man and have male MANNERISMS. i chopped it up with my boy Eli and he concluded the same thing. As children, we often immitate those around us in authoritative positions. A man raised by his father is pretty rational and mild mannered because a man is normally quick to think and slow to anger. But a "bitch nigga" is the product of a single female 9 out of 10 times because a female is an emotion based creature who is the total opposite of man meaning she is quick to anger and slow to think out the situation. This explains why bitch ass niggaz have a tendency to "snap off", "act a damn fool", get loud and call people out because that is how he may see his mother handle HER frustations. now, don't be like "Nigga you being sexist" because i will admit that i DO have traces of bitchassness in me, but i acknowledge it and have done things about it.

My mother was 15 and a half when she had me and while i had older males in my family, i was mostly raised around females. when they got upset, they yelled, wore their emotions on their sleeves and so forth. and since i never really saw dudes in my family get in altercations, i only knew how to handle them the way females in my family did and as i got older and hung around dudes who had "old school" fathers, they schooled me on the ways of conductin myself like a "real nigga". and that is also the problem, we have too many bitch niggaz raising "Bitch Nigga,Jrs" nowadays that its like the blind leading the blind. Real men come around every blue moon, but bitch niggaz come by the bunches. For instance, look at older rap beefs compared to current rap beefs. Back in the day if you had a lyrical beef with a dude, you said your peace, stayed on subject and it was left at that and the loser recognized the winner and was humble about it. NOW, niggaz all on youtube airing niggaz personal shit out that don't even have to do with the beef at hand. And that comes from being raised by young mothers who get emotional and don't know how to properly address a situation without getting emotional. which brings me to something else: If you let your emotions control your actions and some gets control of your emotions, you have given that person power over you. And that is why alot of rappers get in so much trouble because they let a nigga get under their skin and now they got them niggaz on strings like Pinocchio.

So in closing, there is a cure for this shit and its this: real men, get involved with the youngins and show them how to ACT like a man and carry themselves like a man. and finally, don't let simple shit get under your skin. its okay to have emotions because that is what separates us from robots, but don't broadcast them and wear them on your sleeve.



"What's the difference between your mom and a Lego? A Lego doesn't have my dick in its mouth.."

i don't know why, but as retarded as that shit sounded, i was on the ground in tears when dude came into the lounge at work and said that shit with the straightest face possible.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Black Youth on the train this morning: "You need to get a thesaurus and expand your vocabulary, kinfolk and learn the actual meanin' of them damn big words you try to use".

Nigga: "Man, what the fuck a dinosaur gotta do with shit?"..

Me: *dead*.....

Monday, July 13, 2009


Now, i've been slackin on my blog, i know. I'm a busy nigga, workin 2 jobs, gettin money and in nursing school. i wish i could be in Qatar, doing nothing all day but working out and ordering shoes while claiming to be "Fighting the war on terror" when i'm really not doin a damn, but i don't have that priviledge. so without further stalling.....

Alot of shit has been circulating about the whole "Lebron/LeBum/Lebanon getting dunked on by an RN (Regular Nigga)" and how he and Nike had video pulled like Beyonce tried when she ate stairs in Orlando. Now my thing is this: you already have people shittin on you for crying about losing, being a sore loser and so forth. WHY would you give people even more reason to fuck wit you by pulling some shit like this? did Jordan pull the video of him gettin his ass whooped in "21" by that bald ass nobody? NO! Did Mike Tyson have the broadcast footage burned after getting forced to "kiss the canvas" by Buster Douglas? NO! and you know why? Because everybody loses sometimes. Look at Roy Jones Jr. THAT nigga got mooked, not once, but TWICE and lose a rematch to one of those fights!!! Now, had Lebrando been smart, he could have flipped that shit into an ill commercial. He could have done it like Sir Charles and been in black and white and been like: "I've scored "X" amount of points, won "x" amount of games, was #1 draft pick, was a mega millionaire before i was able to take my first drink and became MVP before i could rent a car....*insert Posterization by "Reginald J. Nigga" here*..but i'm not perfect" and showed a black screen with a white swoosh and it would have been a WRAP! it would have shut all the haters up, stopped the "cry baby" criticism and so forth...but NOOOOO this nigga pulled some "my mother was a human and my father was a dog, so that makes me a bitch ass nigga" shit. Damn Lebron.....guess you still got some growin up to do. You got kids too, nigga. Be THEIR role model and don't be a bitch in front of millions of people. its not a good look, potna.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Niggaz better protect ya blogs and ya bitches because the king is back....