Now, i've been slackin on my blog, i know. I'm a busy nigga, workin 2 jobs, gettin money and in nursing school. i wish i could be in Qatar, doing nothing all day but working out and ordering shoes while claiming to be "Fighting the war on terror" when i'm really not doin a damn, but i don't have that priviledge. so without further stalling.....
Alot of shit has been circulating about the whole "Lebron/LeBum/Lebanon getting dunked on by an RN (Regular Nigga)" and how he and Nike had video pulled like Beyonce tried when she ate stairs in Orlando. Now my thing is this: you already have people shittin on you for crying about losing, being a sore loser and so forth. WHY would you give people even more reason to fuck wit you by pulling some shit like this? did Jordan pull the video of him gettin his ass whooped in "21" by that bald ass nobody? NO! Did Mike Tyson have the broadcast footage burned after getting forced to "kiss the canvas" by Buster Douglas? NO! and you know why? Because everybody loses sometimes. Look at Roy Jones Jr. THAT nigga got mooked, not once, but TWICE and lose a rematch to one of those fights!!! Now, had Lebrando been smart, he could have flipped that shit into an ill commercial. He could have done it like Sir Charles and been in black and white and been like: "I've scored "X" amount of points, won "x" amount of games, was #1 draft pick, was a mega millionaire before i was able to take my first drink and became MVP before i could rent a car....*insert Posterization by "Reginald J. Nigga" here*..but i'm not perfect" and showed a black screen with a white swoosh and it would have been a WRAP! it would have shut all the haters up, stopped the "cry baby" criticism and so forth...but NOOOOO this nigga pulled some "my mother was a human and my father was a dog, so that makes me a bitch ass nigga" shit. Damn Lebron.....guess you still got some growin up to do. You got kids too, nigga. Be THEIR role model and don't be a bitch in front of millions of people. its not a good look, potna.
Lex$ is back!
lol "ate stairs"
^^ is that why they interviewed the kid on ESPN and was the big topic for a whole week and a half? nigga go make "sand angels" or somethin. lol.
^sand angels > KOBE
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