In all honesty, this dude is probably a candidate for "Homey of the Year". real talk. this dude has held me down on lord knows how many occasions. one of the few lightskinned cats that i co-sign in VA (the other one works with him). i used to be (well, i still kinda am) a colorful dude when it came to close but this dude has shown me how to kill em with the "less is more, simple yet effective" approach and tone shit down and get my "grown on" while still bein street at the same time. while i was the first person to rock the dookie rope in VA, this dude was the ONLY one i saw rockin the African medallion back in 2004. when it came time to choose my replacement, this dude was the first person that came to mind. Probably one of the most level headed cats i ever met in my life that wasn't high at the time. you earned this spot like a muhfuka, boss. this joint is dedicated to you fam.
Peep Erics verse in this joint when he's rockin the shades talkin about "soft like silly puddy". lmao. you know i had to get you fam, you look just like dude. lol.
Preciate the love homie...real talk...hahaha you didn't have to clown me with the De La Soul comparison but it's all good none the less...
light skin'ed N's < Darkies
Light skin niggas have been back didn't you get the memo?
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