Sunday, November 30, 2008

In my 25 years on Earth, i've done alot, seen alot and heard alot. and from all the shit i've gone through, i've basically been able to compare a niggaz lifestyle to his front lawn. i used to hate cutting the grass when i was a shorty, but later in life i learned that your yard is a reflection of the owner. if the grass looks wild and out of control, then that means the owner doesn't give a fuck. but if the shit is cut and neat looking all the time, then that means the owner cares about his shit and knows that its a reflection of himself. if your grass is high as hell, you don't know what type of shit you can step in and stumble over. also, snakes LOVE tall grass because you can't see them shits until its too late.
alot of niggaz need to carry themselves like they do their lawns. and not just on appearance but your attitude. your appearance and attitude are like the yard, they reflect those who take care of you and how you take care of yourself. people with these big egos and fucked up attitudes can't see when they are about to step in some shit because they are blinded by that tall grass so they have to tread carefully. a nigga who live his life low key and keeps his shit tight can see the bullshit from a mile away. and a level headed, low key cat keeps the snakes away. you ever see a snake in low grass? naw because snakes survive by being able to sneak around and they hate gettin exposed. you take away a bitch niggaz option to sneak up on you, then you can't get bit. but if your head is so high up in the clouds that you can't see shit thats right in front of you, then you cant get mad if you get bit. thats in a bitch niggaz nature.
Cut ya grass, folks.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Have you ever had "feelings"? not the emotional "oh i love you" type, but that "feeling"? Women call it "intuition", Peter Parker calls that shit "Spidey Sense". i just call it that "feeling". last night while i was at work, i had gotten a call from a number that i didn't recognize and i did the usual "i'm not answerin this shit, if its important, they'll leave a message" move. during my break, i decided to check my messages and it was the big homie Will (Spoiled or Rotten, check it on the right) and it was his number that had called and there was something in his voice that wasn't what i hear as "normal" and the first thing that i thought was "i have a FEELING that he wants to hollar at me about something" and not the usual "yo, wuttup? how you been?" convo. and i was right.
We chopped it up for what seemed like forever about alot of shit that needed to be said, which is good seeing how alot of calls i get are shit like "whats up nigga? nuthin, just chillin" type of shit. but the main thing was that this blogging shit is powerful. i started this back in 2007 out of fun and boredom and now i have people tellin me they're following my shit on the regular, they look forward to certain segments and that their friends read my shit. for so long i used to get pissed that nobody would listen to me or take me serious because of how i spoke, where i was from, how i looked and so forth. this shit lets me show people the other sides of me. my boy Kahn saw my blog for the first time last week and he was like "man, i was shocked. i EXPECTED to see nothing but shoes and shit, but you are talkin about alot of other shit". and like the song above, Rasa's "When Will The Day Come", i used to wonder when will they day come that people will listen to what the fuck i have to say. and it seems like that day is now. for all of you people with blogs of your own, people read your shit so make sure that what you say is from you and not just a "copy and paste" spot. while its cool to relay certain info, make sure that alot of what you post is from yourself even if that means you gotta say shit that may piss people off. fuck it. don't be afraid to choose blue when everybody is choosing red. for all of you asking "when will the day come.." for whatever is happening in your life, its coming. just be patient and be yourself.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

so i'm here at work, destroyin this baked apple oatmeal (shit is the truth), checkin youtube as usual when i see a comment somebody made under a T-Pain and Lil Wayne video and this is what was said:
"MAN, them two niggaz is gay as hell. they always talkin about females and shit....."
ummmmm.....what the fuck? the only time GAY and FEMALES should be used in the same sentence is if we are talkin about lesbians. for reason in todays society, youngsters or "Thundercats" as i call them, now think its gay for a GUY to be about FEMALES?! i blame Wayne for that shit. and with good reason. my cousin went to New Orleans because a relative was getting married on Halloween and Curren$y was one of the Best Men in the wedding. the night before the "Big Day", they were choppin it up about shit and somehow the convo switched to Wayne. Curren$y dropped the bomb by saying that Wayne is VERY suspect and basically a gay nigga because all he wants to do is be around niggaz and more niggaz. NOW, there is nothing wrong with hangin with ya potnaz. sometimes i like to roll with my "negro amigos" but we usually do so while in the pursuit of the female gender. Curren$y was sayin that these dudes don't like being AROUND females. and all this shit started making me think about the episode of The Boondocks where everybody was down with Gangstalicous and his EXTREMELY "Prop 8" clothing line until they "found out" he was gay. up until then, they were cool with it. for those who aren't familiar with the episode, here are some snippets:
i mean seriously people. what the FUCK is goin on in the world today. its like the line between being a Thug and Gay is REALLY starting to not exist. i mean, 10 years ago, if you a big group of niggaz together, they'd probably kick your ass. now if you see a group of niggaz together, they probably FUCK your ass. and these gay dudes are gettin younger and younger. i was gettin a hair cut the other day, and i'm seein niggaz in their early teens, all gay and shit, walkin in packs. i'm like "damn, have yall niggaz even HAD pussy before"? i mean, you can't say you don't like it if you never had it, youngins. i think i may start writing a Dr. Seuss style book called "Green Eggs and Pussy" for the younger generation to try to halt this shit. the story will be about Sam-I-Am tryin to give a little gay dude a female with some green eggs on a plate n shit, and they will say shit like "I will not like them with a fox, i will not eat this womens box. i do not like green eggs and pussy, Sam-I-Am stop trying to push me". and then by the end, the guy gets the draws and breakfast and likes both. the end.
i know you read my blog from time to time and YOU know who i'm talkin to. you know you fucked up and you're lucky that i only put MY personal business out in the street like that, not OURS. just know that you WILL need me down the road and you just fucked that up. delete my number, you're dismissed and i'mma leave it at that.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
that shit said "CLONK"!!! lmao. i've watched this joint about 20 times.
i have this dvd and i've watched this shit over 100 times. dude got ROCKED!!....PS..why did you LET them do that "foul ass shit" to your "bitch" up in the room that night?
OOOOH SHIT!! son got "Malvo'd" lol. that little kid caught a head shot from hell. lmao!!
i'm sorry but other peoples kids gettin hurt doin dumb shit is hilarious to me...then theres the fact that the dude said "LOL" and "ROFL" in real life. i know good and hell well that if i did that shit on my bike and cried like a bitch like this youth, the FIRST thing out the mouth of my guardian at the time would be "You weren't cryin when you were doin that silly ass, Evil Kinevil shit, now were you?"...

these are just the samples but they are ALOT better than the samples i saw last week, so can we PLEASE release THIS version? this is the second pair of AFII's i've ever wanted besides the Hectic joints and of course the Espos. joints are SICK!!
pics courtsey of and Politics (shoe store in Louisiana).

Earlier today, my boy Rob called me and i haven't spoken to this dude in about 2-3 months or so. we're shootin the shit, talkin about what we've been up to and the following bullshit is what made me give him the "Oden" face....
ROB: Wassup man, wuts good witcha?
LEX: Nuthin, out here "mashin for my rations", gettin ready to go to work.
ROB: Word, i hear that, i'm about to enter the world of the workin man again myself, my nigga. i been unemployed for the past 2 months, chillin, smokin green and workin on my plan to over throw the world.
LEX: word....
ROB: yeah, man. when you don't have to work, you have alot of time to think about shit and work on your dreams and shit my nigga. i'm tryin to get this job at Hobby Lobby and shit, ya know. i be on my arts and craft shit alot lately since i have the time. i'm tellin you, when you don't have to clock in for work, you get alot of time to experiment and shit, my nigga. i just made a Swisher ashtray and shit outta some wood and shit, nigga, i'm talkin about the whole shield logo and everything. i know you probably thinkin "man this nigga is high", which i am, but i'm not high all the time though, just about 85-90% of the time. and 70% of that time, i be thinkin of shit to do, my nigga. i'm tellin you my nigga, you need to get fired, that way you'll have time to think about your dreams, my nigga..
LEX:.....aight, cuz. i gotta pull into this garage and i'm gonna lose reception, so i'll holla at ya later, fam, peace...
did this nigga tell me i should get fired so i can THINK about my dreams?!?! i think this is why i only smoke weed once in a blue moon, because when you smoke as much as THIS nigga, you start to think TOO damn much about shit that you REALLY shouldn't think about...i couldn't have scripted this shit if i tried.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
i've always wondered if its okay to hit a "mentally retarded" person and this video shows that nobody is safe from gettin chin checked. *cough* MICAH!! *cough*

now, i still have my crispy 11's from 2001 (risked going to Captains Mass sneaking off base to get em, but it was worth it) and wouldn't mind a pair to put on reserves, but the black/taxi joints?! come the fuck on JB!!! why not the white and red joints? why yall gotta do that "Prop 8" (new term for "that gay shit") stuff to a brutha? now, knowing me and how i haven't copped a single pair of J's this year, i might get this pack because i would actually WEAR both shoes that came with it but still, stop playin. but on another note, i WILL be gettin those black and red 1's this weekend and tossin away that gay ass strap.
FUCK YOU, LUDA!!!.....
Everybody Hates Chris- Luda ft. Chris Rock. i've heard the leak and this album is worth the money. can't wait till next week. and the joint produced by PREMO!?!?! i'll post that later....
ITS TIME FOR ME TO START GETTIN ON NIGGAZ....PAUSE. blog has been slackin due to the fact i work at 2 places, stackin up money, sleepin and destroy cats on Resistance 2. but i see what happens when the King decides to take a leave of absence. niggaz try to come at the crown like i'm not there. now, for starters, i've heard the E-40 stories before and even had a girl at Taco Bell ask me for an autograph because she thought i was him, and i've also heard DJ Kay Slay before and all my packages that come from Commonwealth STILL say aka DJ KAY SLAY on them (i'mma fuck u up Nato), but that Big Kap shit was goin too far. nigga you ARE the Habitual Line Stepper by taking that one BIG ASS step with that shit. oohhhh, you don't fucked up now, woody. now, i COULD say "why don't i put this Benjamin Buford Blue, Bubba Gump shrimp lookin ass nigga on blast?" but i won't. i could have said you'll look like that nigga from the show M.A.N.T.I.S in about 20 years, but i didn't. i didn't even put you on the "Look Alike" Thread, but that is about to change now buddy. i could have stated how that chin of yours is callin for a good "checkin", but i didn't. then you wanna come at ME about why i'm not on the blog as much. you see, now, i'm gonna have to take a HUGE shit on your blog, son. i'm about to DESTROY your shit. when the father is away, you decided to run wild, so now its time for me to put you on punishment. everything you think you're gonna post....i'm gonna do it first. you know all those little cute interviews you do? them shits are WACK, nigga. see what happens when you let your children out of your sight people? its on now........
Eric.....You're cool, but the next time i hear about some OF figures coming to the store and i don't get a call especially seeing how ONE of yall mofos sold my disected're gonna get it too.....
Tommy......You're safe.....for now
and've won immunity from this one.....
and one last thing.....
just playin wit yall, its all love. i HAVE been neglectin my joint but a nigga is out here "mashin for rations", but i'm not as bad as Jus with mine. that nigga had Max Payne up for a month. lol. blog has been slackin due to the fact i work at 2 places, stackin up money, sleepin and destroy cats on Resistance 2. but i see what happens when the King decides to take a leave of absence. niggaz try to come at the crown like i'm not there. now, for starters, i've heard the E-40 stories before and even had a girl at Taco Bell ask me for an autograph because she thought i was him, and i've also heard DJ Kay Slay before and all my packages that come from Commonwealth STILL say aka DJ KAY SLAY on them (i'mma fuck u up Nato), but that Big Kap shit was goin too far. nigga you ARE the Habitual Line Stepper by taking that one BIG ASS step with that shit. oohhhh, you don't fucked up now, woody. now, i COULD say "why don't i put this Benjamin Buford Blue, Bubba Gump shrimp lookin ass nigga on blast?" but i won't. i could have said you'll look like that nigga from the show M.A.N.T.I.S in about 20 years, but i didn't. i didn't even put you on the "Look Alike" Thread, but that is about to change now buddy. i could have stated how that chin of yours is callin for a good "checkin", but i didn't. then you wanna come at ME about why i'm not on the blog as much. you see, now, i'm gonna have to take a HUGE shit on your blog, son. i'm about to DESTROY your shit. when the father is away, you decided to run wild, so now its time for me to put you on punishment. everything you think you're gonna post....i'm gonna do it first. you know all those little cute interviews you do? them shits are WACK, nigga. see what happens when you let your children out of your sight people? its on now........
Eric.....You're cool, but the next time i hear about some OF figures coming to the store and i don't get a call especially seeing how ONE of yall mofos sold my disected're gonna get it too.....
Tommy......You're safe.....for now
and've won immunity from this one.....
and one last thing.....
just playin wit yall, its all love. i HAVE been neglectin my joint but a nigga is out here "mashin for rations", but i'm not as bad as Jus with mine. that nigga had Max Payne up for a month. lol.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
its the DJ Greg Street remix from back in 2001 from the DJ Screw dedicated album 4 in the Morning. this is by far the best use of Bootsy Collins' "Munchies For Your Love" sample.
With the announcement of the Boondocks season 3 coming, i had to go back and post videos of my nigga Tubesteak aka Carl Jones aka Thugnificent. i remember i told some of you all that Carl was trying to get me on the show and told me all i needed to do, but i dropped the ball focusing on other stuff, now i'm kicking myself in the ass for it. for those who don't know, Carl is the producer of the show, illustrator of the comic and the voice of some of the guest characters and Thugnificent. yo Carl, if you're reading this...TELL THAT NIGGA LESEAN TO SEND MY FUCKIN BOOK!! ITS BEEN DAMN NEAR 6 MONTHS, HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE THAT NIGGA TO DRAW A FUCKIN PICTURE, SHIT?!?!? lol. but yeah, be on the look out for the new season and pick up some of the books and support the troops, nigga.
Monday, November 10, 2008
ya boy was on a bloggin' hiatus for awhile. alot of shit was goin on internally and externally. the election, the economy and just life in general, ya know. i've been out here "mashin' for my rations" workin two jobs, stackin away dough for the inevitable drought coming soon so sleep has takin ALOT of priority over bloggin. PLUS, the nigga got him a PS3 (psn: Boss_Bandit) and i've been on that Resistance 2 and that shit got a nigga losin sleep. and then alot of blogs have been gettin flooded with Obama stuff and i didn't need to post shit for the 10 millionth time, so i said fuck it. but alot of wild ass shit has happened during that time so i guess i should go ahead and keep yall updated. but ya boy is back in full effect, and i didn't appreciate the "Call Out", Francis Mitchell!! lol. but yeah, i DID need to get back on my grind, blog wise.
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