The person above is Kelley Hammond, close friend and co-worker. When i got hired, she said her main objective was to show her "whiteness" but she has actually shown her "gangsta" more than anything. first off, she loves ribs and grits. most white people don't even know what the fuck GRITS are. she is one of the few people who can actually whoop ya boy in Street Fighter (yeah, she's legit). but the shit that trips me out the most is what comes out of her mouth when people aren't paying attention. this past weekend, we were working and this older white woman comes in and wants a used PS2. seeing how somebody forgot to take ONE of the old display boxes off that said $69, when they were back to $79, she wants to start complaining that she wants it for the $69 on the box even though the other 15 boxes say "$79". so Kelley, being the all american white girl she is, honors the mistake and gives the old bitch the system for $69. as SOON as she leaves and the store is empty, she busts out "GOD I FUCKING HATE WHITE PEOPLE! THEY ACT SO FUCKING CHEAP. FUCK, YOU'RE WHITE, I KNOW YOU HAVE THE TEN BUCKS FOR THE SYSTEM!!!" when she said that last line, i had to go to the back because that shit caught me off guard like a muthafucka.
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