it took me about 15-20 minutes total, but it was worth it for several reasons:
1: i can complain because i actually got off my ass to do something about it.
2: the look on white peoples face when a 6'2 black man with a Gucci link, dookie rope, two-finger ring, Fila track jacket, Cazals and Mars Blackman 4's stands in line like you don't know who he's voting for and all the black people winking and giving me the "right on, brutha" nod. lol.
3: seeing how my great grandfather was forced to answer UNANSWERABLE shit in order to vote, like "How many bubbles are in a bar of soap?" or "If it rains for 2 hours in Mississippi, how many rain drops fell in 1 hour?", i see that i don't have to go through ANY of that bullshit and to not vote would be a spit in the faces of he and my great grandmother. R.I.P and Love O'dell and Vie.
4: muthafuckas DIED so i can have the right to do this, so why not exercise my right?
Samuel L. Jackson is set to star as the bad guy in Columbia Pictures' remake of Berry Gordy's 1985 cult classic The Last Dragon, says The Hollywood Reporter. Jackson will play Sho'nuff, the Shogun of Harlem, a role played in the original by the late Julius Carry.
"I'm a huge fan of the original and look forward to bringing Sho'Nuff into the 21st century," Jackson said.
Writing the screenplay as well as producing is Dallas Jackson, who heads up the urban family label DJ Classicz with Davis. Wu-Tang Clan's RZA is co-producing.
The updated plot will be along the same lines of the original, centering on young martial arts student Leroy Green in his quest through the streets of New York to achieve the highest level of martial arts accomplishment, known as the Last Dragon. Those who achieve the high ranking possess the Glow, making them the greatest fighter alive.
The project will take a new look at "Last Dragon" coinciding with the 50th anniversary of Motown next year. Davis Entertainment's John Davis and Gordy's son Kerry Gordy are producing.
this is the unmastered version without Spike Lee, but still, this joint gets ALOT of play from me. i'm tellin you, after hearing Undisputed, this song and the joint he did with Rakim at the BET awards.....this album is gonna be sick AND its gonna drop on time unlike alot of cd's i'm waiting for...*cough* COMMON *cough*..
This shout out is dedicated to Brian and Letty of, the best site to cop vintage, deadstock Cazals based out of Houston. I ran into Brian one day while he was working at Barney's in the Galleria. i noticed he had some dope frames and after closer examination, i saw they were Cazals and he told me how he and his wife Letty were collectors and sold them as well. i gave him my Commonwealth business card and he gave me his (networkin at its best suckaz!!). i checked out the site and was blown away. their prices range from $200 up to $600 and the $600 dollar ones i'm talkin about cost $1500 or more anywhere else because of the resell price, but do to their genuine love, they don't try to fist rape you on the prices. i could have been a "shade Nazi" and not put people on, but those who know me know thats not how i roll and plus i get first dibs anyway SUCKAZ!!! lol. if you are tryin to stand out from the rest and get some good quality vintage shades, check them out at the site. they love answering any questions you have, so hollar at em. tell them Alex sent ya.
when i saw this, fam, you popped into my head. Kung Fu, Ghostface, dope beats...thats all you. lol. this joints for you, fam. for those who don't know the kid, check out the blog: Spoiled or Rotten on my links.
This shit is the shit! It seems like 2008 is the year for people being on their game because Nike has been on their game with retros, Commonwealth has been on their game with the fitteds, the writers of Heroes has been on their game with this season and Pizza Hut has put it down with this pasta shit. i just got that "Meaty Marinara" the words of my 3 year old brother, its "Scrumpchus". lmao. i was expectin some Chef Boyardee type sauce and shit.....naw nigga. you can pass this shit off as some homemade, bachelor shit right here, son. now, as far as the other 2 flavors go, i don't know. but if you get to them before i do, let ya boy know. now, you COULD go and get one of those Stouffer joints that takes 2-3 hours to back for the same price, but when you hungry, a nigga aint got that time to wait. the boy Lex gives this joint two forks up.
I'm crunk as hell right now!! THIS is how you make your comeback in the internet game. lmao. if you dont know about Terrible Terry Tate, youtube him. NOW!!
i'm honestly scared right now that this whole "road to election" is bringing out the extreme "Huey Newton" out of a nigga lately. i'm honestly starting to wonder if the term "Muslim" has become the conservatives new way of saying "Nigger". i mean come on, the monkey doll, Obama=Osama, and all that shit. first off dumb white people, ITS A NAME!! if the nigga in charge of all the terrorist shit was a guy named Bob, would you be doin the same shit to all people named Bob? if that dude was such a fuckin DOMESTIC TERRORIST, WHY THE FUCK ISN'T HE IN JAIL?!?! EXPLAIN THAT SHIT!!! WHY DID YOU, THE REPUBLICANS APPOINT HIM INTO HIS POSITION?!?! TRUTHFULLNESS?! come the fuck on. i have never wanted a race war to break out before in my life but right now man, i really don't know. i'm waiting for that "one" incident that will make me lace up my boots and get ready for some action against anybody who looks like they are about to form the word "Ni.." out of their mouths. McCain hasn't realised that not only is he causing a mob with white people, he's starting to start one with black people because those angry white people are one word away from gettin shit started and then all hell is going to break loose. i mean, damn, is this going to be some sort of new Civil War? and then this ignorant bitch Palin, who comes out of nowhere, has the nerve to be jumping into stuff she knows absolutely nothing about. she wants to jump in talkin about how "Obama did this and that" but not telling how McCain did the EXACT same things but worse at times. its like she is just going along for the ride and saying whatever she can so she can be that much closer to being President. like Matt Damon said "the thought of her as President scares me", and it does. PEOPLE GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU FEEL YOUR VOICE WILL COUNT OR NOT, VOTE!!!
am i the ONLY person who is still waiting for Barack to do this pose on the cover of a magazine and scare the hell out of America? i think that is gonna be a project of mine if i can find a dope ass camera. i want to get a bunch of my "peoples" together and recreate famous poses. you heard it hear from me first people, remember that.
and imagine if Brother Malcolm was still alive to see this....
GOT EM!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!! real talk, this was my FIRST EVER ebay auction win and i got my Cazal frames for the "lowsky". dude said he was cleaning out his brothers stuff and found them so i had to scoop em. i'm still pissed that dude got me at the last minute for the other pair i was bidding on but i'm glad i got these joints.
next up.....some Cazal 800 series joints.......
858's (collabs with clothing brand Swagger)
Vintage 856's aka MC Hammers
a word to all you "Ante ojos" rockin niggaz out there: Stay the FUCK out my way next Summer because i WILL be "optically" stuntin on yall niggaz...and don't make me bust out the Nike One Time Only "Union" Air Max on yall asses while rockin these joints either.....
i saw the poster Sunday night when i went to go see Quarentine (movie was kinda "ehh", meaning wait until dvd) and i saw the poster for this joint. i'm usually not big on remakes (except for that Halloween joint, THAT one was dope), but i will go see this one. i'm trippin at the scene at the end where Jason is RUNNING at shorty!! in my 25 years on earth, ive never seen that nigga do as much as a power walk, let alone RUN! i think this joint might be alright.
Man, that boy Dap can't scream that shit enough. this election has shown alot to me about the country that we live in and that i fought to "defend" (don't know how sendin me to Iraq helped defend america when the nigga responsible was in Afganistan but thats another story). people need to wake up and wipe the crust of ignorance out of their eyes because its got you blinded. this road to election has shown the REAL racial tension of this country. i would respect white people more if they just said "i'm not voting for Barack because he is black" because honestly, the excuses that are coming out their mouths are becoming extremely stupid.
America, WAKE UP!!! Muslims are not a RACE, its a RELIGION. and last i checked, we have "freedom of religion", or so we say. but from what i see, we have freedom of religion as long as its base is the Holy Bible i.e Catholisism, Christianity, Mormon, etc. People left their countries to come to america because they were being persecuted for their religious beliefs and now we are doing it. what the fuck, america? come on...WAKE UP!!
America, WAKE UP!!! Not all Muslims are ARAB! Hakeem Olajuwan was Muslim and was hardcore about it. so hardcore that when it was Ramadan, he wouldn't sweat during practice because he couldn't take in food after sunrise. did white people fear him? no. was he arab? NO! Did you know that there are WHITE muslims, ASIAN muslims and so on? and do you know why? because its a RELIGION, not a race. Obamas father was AFRICAN, not ARAB and he was raised by a WHITE woman. but according to that country ass redneck bitch "he's arab" and "still has Muslim IN him". we are so caught in this fear that we it damn near resembles the Salem Witch Hunts. Muslims are now like Trans Fats, meaning, they have been around for thousands of years but white people didn't start worrying about them until 2 months ago. come on..WAKE UP!!
America, WAKE UP!!! Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslims! Timothy McVeigh, the guy who bombed that building in Oklahoma. was he Muslim? NO, he was white. The Unibomber, was he Muslim? no, he was just a white man with a weird beard. The white guy who bombed the Atlanta Olympics? i just said it, he was WHITE. the guy who dumped nerve gas in those japanese subways, was he Muslim? no he was Japanese. Who are the ones bombing all those Abortion Clinics? WHITE PEOPLE!! but some how, Muslims are the only terrorists on this planet according to white america. look at The Crusades in history. they were wars that the CHRISTIANS waged against all other religions. last time i checked, THAT was terrorism. but then again, i'm just an "Urban American". come on....WAKE UP!!
America, WAKE UP!!! How would it feel if i hated all white people because of the Nazis, KKK, and all other white supremacist groups? it would be unfair to do that because they don't represent all white people, right? THEN WHY THE FUCK DOES WHITE AMERICA DO IT TO MUSLIMS!?!? Just because a group of EXTREMIST does something, that doesn't mean its the ENTIRE faith. there are Muslims who DON'T agree with any of these fools. its like if you have 3 "ignant" ass cousins who keep fuckin up, they don't represent YOU as a person so you shouldn't get judged by their dumb ass antics. come ON....WAKE UP!!!
seriously, people. WAKE THE FUCK UP!! go to the sink of common sense, wash the deceit from your faces, clean the wax of ignorance out of your ears and brush the bullshit and lies off your tounges. but please, wake up.....
please people, get out there and vote. we have gone through TOO much bullshit in the past 8 years and now we have an opportunity to change this shit. in the words of a wise nigga(oxymoron) other than myself "those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it". and honestly, i feel that this will be a turning point in American history due to the fact that IF Barack DOES win....the shit in this video won't be far behind. look around you. you have laws that are targeting blacks (sagging of pants), you have schools segregating each other (like in Detroit) and you have people judging others, not by the amount of degrees they have or the knowledge they posses, but by the color of their skin AND the religious background of their PARENTS, not themselves. please people, and i can't stress the PLEASE, get off your ass and vote. if you can stand in line for a shoe, stand in line and take control of your life.
since the shoe game is dying down a little bit to me, since most of my "grails" have either been copped or are beyond reach, i've moved onto my next love....CAZALS!! i recently copped a pair of 607's (the last pic) and i'm winning the bid with 10 minutes to go on the first pic, and as soon as i win, i'm coppin the middle set. niggaz can laugh at me all you want, but we'll see who's laughin when i whoop ya ass with these joints on. everybody is doin Dolce's and so forth and since i couldn't get my Crooks joints, i decided to go old school on em. just like i was the first dude alot cats knew who owned a gold "dookie" rope in VA, i'm gonna be the first cat here in Houston with as hating commences...
EDIT: some BITCH ASS FOOL TRICK MARK HOE out bid me at ONE freakin' minute on the first joints. sneak thiefin ass niggaz...its all good tho, i still got that second pair on lock so far.
i guess its time for me to start a new segment of my growing blog. since people always say i got some wild stories about my life, i guess its time that i showcase some of the things that happen in a day of the life of myself. i guess this one will be about a time where i over enduldged in some "wacky tobaccy"..
being in the military for almost 6 years can REALLY stress you out, so when my contract was up, i said "THATS IT!! I'M OUT!". i went on terminal, grew my hair out, and said "i'm bout to get REEAAALL high". i called one my boys, who i will call YB so to remain confidential, and he hooked me up with some "cranberry kush". now...seeing how i hadn't smoked in about 7 years, i didn't know what the hell the difference was between this and any other weed. i didn't know that this was "Solid gold pair of Air Jordans" of weed and its not something you should smoke if you're a "light weight". i got home, smoked a lil bit of it, turned on Cartoon Network and sat down in my recliner and chilled. thats when the shit kicked in. i went about 2 minutes before i realized I WASN'T FUCKIN BREATHIN!!! i took a deep breath and was like "wtf did i just do?" but at the same time i couldn't move. all of a sudden i started thinking and when you are high, thats NOT a good thing to do especially if you know the wild shit that goes through my mind. out of nowhere the thought of a sheep with dreadlocks doing back flips popped into my mind and i fuckin lost it. i sat there laughin for about 20 minutes straight. then, thats when the pizza commerical came on. Dough covered in cheese, sauce, spices and assorted meats had never looked so good in my life. thats when i remembered "yo, i got a Tombstone in the freezer". it took me about 5 minutes to get up and make my way to the kitchen which was about 20 feet from where i was sitting. i got the pizza, unwrapped that joint and threw it in the oven and sat back down. TWO HOURS later, i'm like "i don't smell baked goodness, what the fuck is taking this pizza so damn long?", so i get up, go to the oven, throw that bitch open and its cold as hell in there........MY HIGH ASS DIDN'T EVEN TURN THE MUTHAFUCKIN OVEN ON!!! The pizza was lookin at me like "Nigga, you high". but what got me was "why the hell did i wait TWO HOURS to check on a pizza that takes 20 minutes to cook?". lmao.
the next day i went to the music store to kick YB's ass for sellin me that shit, and to also cop another dub cap of the same shit (i know. very retarded, right?). i was like "nigga why you aint tell me that shit was that strong?". this nigga said "i didn't know, it was my first day with that kind. i smoked some of it last night on the way home and i spent about 20 minutes tryin to find my keys so i could get OUT of my car because i thought i locked myself IN the bitch." lmao. so i'm like "well, let me get another 20 of it." he was like "nigga.....they came in and cleaned me out this morning! word got out and i went through 2lbs in 2 hours but i should have some more by tonight". so i copped The Minstrel Show (i lost my first copy) and a new mixtape called Sample Clearance by Don Cannon, chucked the duece and went to work at the good ole' "Wealth".
the day was overly retarded because of people askin the same shit over and over again, so again, i needed some "relief" and went to see if my dude had re upped his supply. as soon as i got there, he was like "i got some new stuff to try if you down". i said cool and he closed up the store and we all got in the car and smoked.......not a good idea. if you know the music store i used to go to and where i used to live, you know they are a good distance away from each other. now add in the fact that i'm high as hell and my normal 20 minute trip became almost an hour. the whole time, i'm almost on the verge of tears because i KNOW i'm about 2 blinks from passin out from "highness" and i still got about 5 miles to go but in "high time" thats about 30 minutes. i'm thinkin i'm goin to have to pull over and thats when i see him....Colonel "muthafuckin" Sanders!! i perked up and got in the drive thru and ordered one of the new things they had at the time, The KFC Bowl!! i had never had one, so i asked for two (i'm high, remember). i stopped by the gas station, picked up an Arizona Watermelon juice and got in the crib. now, i didn't think it would be humanly possible to "rape" food, but i fucked those two bowls up like a nigga fresh off lock. i destroyed them shits to the point where i didn't even want to look in the mirror because i was afraid of seeing what kind of beast i had become. my roommate came into the crib and while we were choppin it up, he looked at me with this weird face and said "how the fuck did you get corn in your glasses?".....thats when i realized it was time to leave the weed alone for a while. lmao.
stop me if i'm lying. toss in some Texas Toast Garlic Bread, hell, even some regular white bread and a salad and you're good. shit, or you can be like me and say "fuck the instructions" and start experimenting with different spices and seasonings and come up wit ya own shit. one time, i fucked around and COMBINED two separate joints at a potluck at work.....i damn near fucked around and killed my coworkers with an "explosion of deliciousness"...pause. people still tryin to figure out how i made that joint. i honestly don't remember my damn self because i was gone off that "herbal essence" when i was cookin it. lmao.
This track, "Do The Right Thing", has Luda, Common, AND Spike and produced by 9th?!?! come the fuck on man. so far from what i've heard, this album is goin to be Luda's best and MAYBE he will FINALLY get his respect as a lyricist. i've played this video for the past hour just to hear the snippets of this track because the beat is just fuckin insane. GAH DAMN!!!!!!!
EDIT: i was talkin to my folks a lil while ago and they put me on to the fact that Doom was the first to flip the sample on his Special Herbs 9+10 joint.
Here is the actual song that they sampled.
regardless, BOTH beats are dope with minor differences and i'm STILL waitin on Ludas.
Shwayz'd: pron.(SH-WAZED). adverb. 1. to be embarrassed horribly or more than normal; to be sonned by a nigga in Nudie Jeans.
The inspiration for this new term comes from an event that has happened recently. SOMEONE i know decided to play a pickup game against Buzzin star/artist Shwayze. appearently, that someone (MICAH) thought he had the game in the bag.....WRONG!! this nigga got shitted on!!! how in the hell do you get out played in basketball by a dude wearing denim spandex? i understand if he had on some John Stockton, old school shorts.....BUT SOME DAMN SLIM FITTIES?! and THEN, you put up a VIDEO of you gettin done up?! come on man, i KNOW you had to expect this verbal onslaught, fam. you got beat 10-2, son!!! here is the footage:
How do you get "Hot Sauced" by a nigga in tight jeans and no underwear? this is not your month fam. first the Cowboys got beat by the Redskins in their last game in their old stadium, THEN you get whooped by a "Used Cotton swab, Mortimer Ickabod Marker" head ass nigga in Cheap Mondays and Vans. nigga you might as well become a Cubs fan. this nigga put the EMO in "DEMOLISHED" on ya ass. how will you explain this to your children and grandkids? you can't even win an argument anymore with your female because as soon as you say anything, she'll be like "NIGGA, YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT SHIT TO SHWAYZE THEN!". nigga, you DO know that shit goes in your permanent record right? you can't even get a respectable job now because as soon as they do a background check, they will see "This nigga got Shwayz'd back in 2008". So rather than saying you got Owned/Pwned, Served or whatever people are sayin today, you got "Shwayz'd". thanks for makin history.
i'd make that face too if i got out played by Pookies stunt double....
i remember seeing the teaser for it about 2 months ago and i was hyped (no pun intended). the video fits the joint perfectly. EDIT: damn it, Jus beats me AGAIN (wowzers!!) to the punch.
This is footage from last years Big Tune competition in Chicago and my fam, TBG (Tall Black Guy) was at the joint and KILLED the Timbaland imposter. i'm sorry but the second beat that TBG plays is musical IGNORANCE!! i wanna hear the homey Murs on that joint. look out for the dude, he's gonna blow up. believe that....
Growing up, i used to get made fun of because i wasn't the typical "rap and rnb" black kid because i listened to everything. if it was tight, i jammed that shit. music says alot about you. the more diverse your music collection and knowledge is, the more diverse you are as a person. here are some of my favorite rock joints (yes, there are alot of Smashing Pumpkin joints on here because i really fuck wit them cats and plus, they are from the Chi. cmon)...