"I'm wearin throw ahead jerseys/'Koopa what the hell is that?'/an NBA jeresey with a college niggaz name on the back.."-- Hakeem "Chamillionaire" Sereki
So i'm at work, waiting for this patient to come down so we can put her line in when all of a sudden the transporter comes in with her and her family member. while i'm getting the paperwork and everything situated, i see her son take off his jacket. THATS when i gave the nigga the above "Buster Keaton" ice grill. THIS nigga had on a bootleg USA jersey with "OBAMA" on the back and the number 44 (the 44th president) right underneath it and on the front. if slavery was still legal, you could have sold my black ass for a penny because i was done with life. i wish i could have taken a picture, but due to hospital policies and HIPPA, that shit was out of the question. people, this overmarketing is going TOO damn far right now. the Undercrown shirt and the Alex Ross joint were dope and the first of their kind, so was the Obey joint. but these "bedazzled" joints and shoes and shit need to stop ASAP. the man hasn't even been in office yet. yall don't even know if he will mess us over more than Bush and yall already go him on your entire outfit, head to toe LITERALLY.
nigga...give me my blank stare pic back
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @ THAT PICTURE! The marketing has gotten out of hand but leave that boy alone, lol! Also, *dead* over you posting Chamillionaire's government name.
"He ain't even hit the league I got em/in home and away colors/I'm ashamed of this game, like the mother of gay brothers..." - koopa
just thought I'd finish that up for you..lol
*dead* @ throwback obama
see micah, thats why you my dude, fam. lol.
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