oh shit, after laughing for the past 30 mins, i'm actually able to muster enough strength to post what just happened. i'm up here at work and the PACU (recovery room) nurses were still here with a late case. one of the nurses that happened to be staying was this DUMB ass hispanic one named Anna. now, before yall say some retarded shit like "why she gotta be dumbass hispanic one", its because she IS dumb and everybody knows it. but anyway, on top of being dumb as hell, her english is still kind of bad despite being here for 25 years. wtf?. so she is talking to the patient and the patient has alot of drool in his mouth due to him being doped up on meds. so appearently, this patients is gonna need that taken care of or else he's gonna choke or drown on his own saliva. so, she DOES do the intelligent thing and gets the yankour (suction device) and prepares to clean the patients mouth, BUT, her non english speaking ass makes the WRONG choice of words. instead of saying "do you need some suction?", THIS dumbass says "Do you want me to suck you?". nigga i damn near lost it. i had to leave the damn unit as quick as possible because knowing my dumbass, all hell would have broken loose. if i were the patient and she asked me that shit, lord knows what would be my response. i bet dude was like "damn, surgery AND a happy ending?". lol.
1 comment:
whoooooaaaa hahsdklfjsdfjsldfjsdfjsd omg wow just wow, i literally would have dropped dead in the hospital
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